Nov 19, 2023

Barcelona #4

Barcelona #4

We have our fourth visit to Barcelona, visit the Mercat de la Boqueria, Sagrada Familia cathedral, Park Grüell, and have a fun dessert on our last Barcelona dinner.

Nov 5, 2023

Hotel Camiral, Girona, Spain

Hotel Camiral, Girona, Spain

We enjoy the beautiful Hotel Camiral in Girona, Spain. Just a quiet week staying put in the hotel, enjoying good food, and hanging out with each other. Bliss.

Oct 13, 2023

Castelnau de Montmiral

Castelnau de Montmiral

A quiet and peaceful week in the French countryside. We also visit some very old villages built on hilltops in the 1200's. And we eat a lot of French cuisine :)