
A peaceful 3 weeks at the best resort ever!
A collection of 48 posts
A peaceful 3 weeks at the best resort ever!
I Love Discovering New Things About Damon!
Enjoying the Expo in Dallas and Magnolia in Waco.
Discovery Cove, SeaWorld, and Disney's Animal Kingdom, all while staying in our motorhome at a Florida State Park.
Motorhome trip to Miami for the Brownstone Conference and Gala in Miami.
To celebrate our 5th year married we embark on our first cruise in almost 3 years. One word to describe it? Delightful :)
We finish our epic Maine trip by traveling back to Florida, celebrating my 56th birthday, a day on the beach, attending a Weird Al concert, and arriving back in Wild Heron. 28 days! What an amazing trip!
Arriving in Bar Harbor with a visit to Eagle Lake. Then on to Portland. Then starting the drive back to Florida.
We continue our epic trip in Maine. This part starts in Addison. We'll continue to update every few days as the trip progresses.
We start our epic trip to Maine by traveling in Baby Malanah to Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, New Hampshire, and Vermont. State parks, dining, farms, family, and baking.
Oooooo LaLa
We meet sweet Haven, grandchild #6.