We meet sweet Haven, grandchild #6.

Day 1
Time to meet Haven in Arizona!
We get up early and catch our flights from Panama City Beach to Phoenix.
Our flights are smooth sailing. We are able to fly in 1st class all the way and are so appreciative of the smoother ride, extra room, and nice service.
The moment is here. We knock on the door and Laura answers it with Haven in her arms. We are so excited to meet this precious child! We hold Haven for the first time and feel so much happiness in getting to be grandparents to this precious child.

We walk over to the pool and meet Taylor, Baylie, and Winnie who are joining us for an Olive Garden dinner. It's so fun to see everyone again! We visit, laugh, share stories, swim. It was a wonderful dinner and evening.

Haven woke up a bit right as we were leaving back to our hotel. One last picture before we say goodnight!

Day 2
After spending a quiet day at our hotel we get together with the whole crew at Culinary Dropout for dinner.
Winnie loves eating the menu at restaurants :)

Day 3
We meet Spencer and Laura and Haven at Costco to do some shopping for baby supplies and food.
Spencer hasn't been to a Costco since being an adult. He had a great time finding all kinds of food that he wanted to eat.
Haven was a doll the whole time.

After a quiet afternoon we all met at Taylor and Baylie's house for a delicious King Crab dinner.

After dinner we visited for a few hours. So relaxing and fun to swap funny stories and enjoy the babies.

Day 4
Our last full day here. We needed to charge the Tesla rental car. So we went to Tocaya Modern Mexican for lunch while it charged.

We watched Haven for a few hours that evening so Spencer and Laura could go on a date. They had a great time, and Mitzi and I enjoyed watching sweet Haven.
Buster was crazy so we had to keep him in the bathroom. Haven slept a lot and also had a bottle of milk.

We loved our visit to Haven and seeing all the family in Phoenix. Spencer and Laura, Taylor and Baylie and Winnie, Emily and Nechemia.
Haven is our 6th grandchild. We love being grandparents!