White Oak Pastures and Camping

Damon loves meat! He is also intrigued with traditional farming practices. He became aware of one of these farms a few hours north of our home. We drove up to check it out.
It's rural, simple, reminds me of home. We camp in their RV field.

Shop in their little store.

Take a tour of the farm.

Eat in their small diner.

We explore some ancient Native American Mounds near by.

We drive to an old covered bridge.

We head south to Seminole State Park. It's beautiful and the weather has turned warm.

I've been working on felting Easter Eggs and making a little rat on this trip :)

Back to Florida to see the Caverns. Impressive. Every bit as good as Timpanogos Cave, but without the epic uphill hike!

Lunch the next day in Marianna, Florida.

And a final sleep in a near by state forest.

Great little expedition! We live in a beautiful place. Damon's a wonderful travel companion:)