February 14, 2022

Valentines & Prime Rib & Papusas

Valentines 2022

Valentines & Prime Rib & Papusas

Valentines Day.  

Damon gave me the most beautiful box of hand crafted artistic chocolates! He had prepared for the holiday and ordered these from a favorite chocolatier before we had left on our trip.  They were all delicious and tasty. Very thoughtful.

We also came home to a package from Little Winnie.  She  sent us a loot of candy and the sweetest note.  So FUN!!!

I failed this year to prepare a gift before our trip.... and it was too late by the time we made it back.   A hand written note and an offer to do dinner anywhere, was the best I could do.

We met some friends for dinner from a Prime Rib Truck.  My goodness!  It was a beautiful meal! We came back to our house to eat it and enjoy the company :)

A few days later we headed out to a Honduran Restaurant.  Damon noticed they offered papusas  and wanted to try them.  They were 1000000000% authentic.  

Love ya Damon.  Thanks for being such a wonderful & fun Valentine :)