Our 1st Visitor(s)!
Sydney and Benson Visit PCB :)
Sydney has had a highly monitored, high risk pregnancy. Most weeks she has 2 or 3 appointments. Towards the end of January there was small window between appointments. It was also her 24th Birthday. Once I figured out our move, her birthday, and this small monitoring break all overlapped, I started looking at flights.
I text Logan to see his thoughts. He thought it would be great for her! She agreed!
After picking her up from the airport, our first stop was "What A Burger!"

It was so fun to show her the empty new house! I ordered a mattress for her to sleep on and gave baby Benny his first set of Florida swim trunks!

Damon is the best at capturing special moments:). One of the ways Sydney has been able to stay pregnant is through daily Lovenox injections. I am not a needle / blood person. Brandon took care of these types of things exclusively. But like a lot of other fears...... I have taken it on. (I just pretend I'm poking fabric, not flesh :). Sydney was an excellent patient. It's so great to have her here! Pure Joy!

We enjoyed the beach and a donut / colache shop :)

Another great shot from DJ as we check out something on my phone :)

In preparation for the movers we returned the mattresses Damon and I had been sleeping on to the rental. It was a tight fit! We had a good laugh!

When she was growing up I discovered she was very verbal and had amazing cognitive skills. The movers brought her childhood memory books to Florida. We looked through them and laughed and laughed. I had forgotten just how linguistic this kiddo was. This particular book about Tiger Woods takes the cake. She was 4 1/2 when she made it. Completely Original and Incredible!
Crab House with Real Gators outside. Doesn't get much more Florida than this!

After a few rainy days the clouds departed and we headed down to the pier for some photos. Damon is an amazing photographer. He captured her last trimester perfectly! She looks so Beautiful! Such a treat for this mom :)

Damon made a loaf of bread on the day she left so Logan could have a special treat when Sydney got home.

I'm so thankful she was able to come for a few days. What a special time to spend with her and Benson.