September 5, 2021

Thorsten Overgaard - "Walk with me" in Clearwater, Florida

An exceptional photography experience with the incomparable Thorsten Overgaard.

Thorsten Overgaard - "Walk with me" in Clearwater, Florida

My mentor Thorsten Overgaard has taught me so much about photography. I've read every book and watched every video and read every blog post he's created.

He inspired me to get the Leica Q2. Inspired me to just get out and take pictures. Taught me that there's no right or wrong or good or bad with photography. Doing it is what counts.

The day before the walk-with-me in Clearwater I found out about it. Mitzi was very supportive so we jumped in the car the next morning and drove 7 hours down the coast to get there in time.

The walk-with-me is where a small group meet and walk for a few hours super relaxed, visiting, and taking pictures of whatever we feel like.

Along the way we stopped for lunch at Dockside Deli in Crystal River. MMM!

We checked into our Clearwater hotel, got situated, then hopped in a Lyft and drove over to the meeting place.

Thorsten and Layla were so welcoming.

We met up with about 7 other photographers and enjoyed chatting and getting acquainted.

We started our walk and headed up north toward Dunedin. It was fun to walk slowly just taking everything in and creating photos of anything interesting I saw.

I enjoyed watching Thorsten take photos, and even took a few of him while he composed them.

As the sun started to set the colors got warm. The sky was amazing.

We walked about 4 miles then went over to Bon Appétit for dinner.

I love getting pictures of people feeling and expressing happiness and joy. We had such an enjoyable dinner together! I used my skills to get some great shots of Thorsten and Layla and other members of the group.

Mitzi also grabbed the camera and got some shots. She's really good too!

The waiter did the final prep table side on my entrée and that was fun to watch.

Mitzi was so kind to come along on our walk. She took some pictures with her phone which I really appreciate.

The picture below of Layla and Mitzi walking along was taking by Michael J. This is one of my favorite pictures, I'm so glad he captured it!

It was a wonderful time. I admire and respect Thorsten's work so much. He's a master at "painting with light". His photographic work has so much beautiful light.

I've learned so much from him. My photography has been influenced and inspired by his teaching and sharing. I feel so much gratitude and appreciation for this opportunity to connect with someone I admire so much.

In the next few months he's doing a 3 day workshop in West Palm Beach and you can bet I'm going to be there :)