August 31, 2024

The Dog Days of Summer..... literally :)

Summer 2024 with all my Favorite People!

The Dog Days of Summer..... literally :)

What a summer! When we arrived back in America on June 15th, I flew straight to Utah to help Maddy with a hip surgery. She did awesome! We (me, maddy, and the 4 dogs) watched a lot of TV, ate great food from her neighbors and friends, and did some sewing. Liz came up and we played games and went to a wedding.

After a few weeks I returned home for 2 weeks full of dr appts....... including my first colonoscopy! Thanks Damon for all the wonderful support. I squeezed in a painting class and a dinner with friends, and then I headed back to Utah.

This time to St. George to help Lizzie in her classrooms (yes, that's plural..... she has so many kids this year that they have given her another classroom. Oh man!) We had the funnest night at an arcade. Thanks Joshy! And a wonderful time putting up bulletin boards and sewing curtains for her room.

I reunited with some of my old favorites..... Vicki, Steph, Mark, Chad & Warren, Autumn & kids, played with the grand cats and the grandkids, had Cobalts 6th birthday, and enjoyed the Red Mountain Spa.

Met Damon and the Motorhome for a jaunt to Northern Utah for the Janis Family Reunion. Had a date with my sisters and Kathy at the play. Enjoyed lunch with my dad, enjoyed Sunstone at the U, worked on Madalyn's yard, and spent the day with my childhood friend, Kristy.

Celebrated my 51st Birthday and Maddy's 25th Birthday. I was 25 when I grew her...... seems like yesterday :)

Drove and sewed across the country with DJ to Alabama where we met the Carter's and hunted for a house and played on the gulf shores.

Then we finally returned home to FL to enjoy the last bits of summer and biked home in a rain storm :) LOVED my SUMMER!