Brian Head Skiing
A ski trip to Utah to see some of the kids and enjoy the slopes!

In early February we flew to Utah to ski with family. Damon Jr, Macall, Navy, Cobalt, and Skye met us up at Brian Head. It was so fun to see them!

Check out this girls ability to write and spell! Impressive!!!

Dinner, playing, skiing, painting, and swimming!

Navy is almost 6 and a Great Skier! She has great control and zipped down the mountains like a pro! She wiped out once. When we were putting her ski's back on, she was crying. We asked if her body was hurt or her feelings were hurt. Thankfully, just her feelings....... nothing that a hot chocolate and a snickers bar couldn't fix :)

Skye was on the eve of turning one. Such a sweet baby. Cobalt is 3 and 1/2 and loves attention, swimming, and games. Darling, smart boys!

Their energy and funny stories seem endless :). Damon and I both remember how hard it was to travel with small children. We so appreciate Damon Jr and Macall sacrificing some sanity so we could play with these darling grand kids!

Maddy, Lizzie and Josh came up the next day to Ski. I've been taking my girls up here for 18 years.
Maddy and Liz learned to ski at this resort. I so wanted children who could ski. I spent a lot of time and money up here in their youth! It's literally always been a dream to have them come up as adults and enjoy this activity together.

Maddy has been a natural skier since her first day. On this trip, Damon took her over to Giant Steps and she enjoyed a day of challenging runs and fun!
Lizzie told me for years how painful skiing was for her. I score a ZERO (okay maybe negative) in the sympathetic parenting category, and regretfully just kept making her go. Wouldn't you know, after her Achilles resection, skiing was not painful anymore. Thankfully she doesn't hold my terrible parenting errors against me. We had a lovely day skiing and chatting.
Josh was on his snowboard. He endures wipe outs that make my own body hurt.

I appreciate my busy adult girls taking the time to come see me and ski for the day. We shared funny memories about the delicious chicken strips, the Cedar Breaks look out, and the Folk-mantis puppets at the town store .

After all of the kids left, Damon and I hit the slopes. It was beautiful. Skiing always makes me feel young!

The following day we were going to enjoy a day of skiing again, but I woke up feeling terribly sick. Sore throat, painful ear ache, fever, chills.
That afternoon Josh called and said Liz had been in a terrible auto accident. A man on a cell phone had hit her from behind, pushing her into on coming traffic to be hit again. He was heading to the hospital with her.
We packed up and headed down to St. George. Thankfully she had been released from the hospital by the time we arrived. She received a severe concussion and was quite beat up. Her car was totaled.
We changed our flight and stayed the week to nurse lizzie.

Damon came down with the illness that week as well. Not quite the ending we had envisioned. I'm so thankful for Damon's support and help with the unpleasant stuff. When we made it back to Florida..... I think it took us a few weeks to recover :)