Queen Mary 2 Transatlantic Crossing
We cross the Atlantic in six days on the last ocean liner in service, the Queen Mary 2.

On the last leg of our trip, we board the Queen Mary 2 in Southampton for a six day transatlantic crossing.
I was talking on the phone with Emily as we left Southampton. It was a hard week for her. I noticed the sun shining through a spot in the clouds, making sun rays. I took the picture and sent it to her and told her there is hope that things will get better.
Our dining time spot was 8:30 pm. This is really late for us. We were assigned table 401 but when we arrived the staff was in disarray. The manager was chewing out one of the servers in front of us so we stood to the side feeling awkward.
The manager got frustrated and sent us over to 319.

This was just about the only food picture I took! Just wasn't feeling inspired I guess. We may have been spoiled on the Queen Victoria a few weeks ago, getting Queens Grill dining :)
Benson is telling Sydney that for his 4 year old birthday next year it's going to be a broccoli party haha. So I had Mitzi snap this photo of broccoli for his enjoyment – and probably not the enjoyment of Sydney!
Mitzi has been working on her quilt and finished a couple pieces on this passage.

One of the days I was just so tired all day. Here we are dining at I just could not stay awake!
The thermal spa had a special needs chair to help people get in and out of the water. One of the days a fellow with a boot on his foot used it.
I've always had this curiosity to use one. One evening Mitzi and I were the only ones in there. So I hopped on the chair and used the switch to swing it around over the water and lower me into it. So fun! I was a little worried the staff would come in and get on my case for playing – the child in my was definitely coming out! Luckily nobody reprimanded me.

It's now our last night on the ship. I haven't taken too many pictures. The passage has been mostly uneventful. It's been pleasant and relaxing which is what we were hoping for.
The Queen Mary 2 is the only ocean liner in service. It's averaged 24 knots across the Atlantic, definitely can tell it's moving faster than cruise ships. It handles the ocean swells very nicely.