2022 extras
Some odds and ends of the good type :)

Some additional good memories....... tasty creations...... positive happenings.
Finally cleaned out the filling cabinet. For 5+ years we have blindly added to this black document cabinet. Remnants of our old lives mixed with documents needed for the new life. After filing our trust with the State of Florida..... I felt like It was time to go through this bad boy. New white file folders helped make it less painful.

We love our neighborhood. We bike to the pool often. Attend the concerts in the park. Make new friends. Eat at the food trucks. And I love going to the ladies game night!

Some Croissant Success and loving Damon's bread!

Little Easter treats for the littles.

A Passover Feast!

Caster's on the Doll House and a quick play with the Mice :). I can't wait to pull this out when the Littles come!

Weekly dinners at Shaka. Damon Loves his cowboy hat. He looks darling whenever he wears it!

The Beach. This is a ridiculously beautiful stretch of coast. We make the 10 min drive weekly to just sit and heal. We usually stay a few hours until one of us has to pee :)

Haven's quilts and bear. What a treat it is to feel like I can sew and design again. Laura picked out this fabric and I had the best time making treasures!

Oh a delightful experience making Liege Sugar Waffles. I shared with our neighbors. They raved and raved :)

Janny and Brett are serving a 6 month church farm mission a few hours from us. We met for dinner one night. We had a wonderful time.
Janny is my cousin. She grew up a short distance from me. I've known her all my life. Her husband grew up in the same town as Brandon. I've know him for 30+ years. When Brandon died, the two of them got a ride to St. George for the Monday funeral. Then they drove me and my vehicle that evening 6 hours north for the Tuesday funeral. They just showed up and drove me and my girls 350 miles.
They have 7 children. Brett was a school principal at the time. I'm still humbled by their kindness.

Logan taught me some secrets on restoring an old cutting board. It turned out great!

I hand-stitched this "Lucky" March banner for my pewter plate :)

Damon and I painted Bee's. Lisa the art teacher lives in the community and we love going to her class.

I joined the dance aerobics class. Dance has always been a favorite of mine. After Brandon died I shockingly discovered I could not move fast enough to keep up to familiar routines. Being able to dance and keep up has brought me so much joy!
Damon was so curious about my Joy that he has started coming too! Unfortunately, he offers to be the photographer when needed so, he is not in any of these action shots. But he goes! And he dances! Even when I am out of town! It's the best natural drug!

Living here feels like being in a safe healing cocoon.