Playing With the Hasselblad X1D 50C
We play around with a Hasselblad!
Mitzi and I rented a Hasselblad X1D 50C camera. It's a high-end professional camera. For the fun of it :)
We've been playing around with it today to learn how to use it. It's a fun camera to use, the colors and clarity are amazing. Here are some pictures that we think came out pretty good!

I must comment on this one. Mitzi made some croissants a few days ago. They were almost perfect, but the insides weren't quite what she was looking for. She made another batch today and these are beauties. This made her so happy, she had such a big smile. They were perfectly flaky. She was surprised by how well they turned out, elated with the results. She felt like a conquering hero, "I finally got something to freaking work!" and "I haven't done this in years and probably have never had this great of results!"