Painting Class & Whoopie Pies
We paint autumnal pumkins, Mitzi makes Whoopie Pies, and we try out a new pizza restaurant.

Our friend Lisa Malchow teaches painting classes. This was Mitzi's fourth and my third. It's super fun to put paint onto brush onto canvas and create something visual.
The class is over at the boat house so the environment is about the best a paint class could have.
Mitzi is fanning her canvas to help the background paint dry. Actually this may have been my canvas. She was kind and offered to dry it for me.
She's always kind and looking for opportunities to do kind things for me and make my life easier.
I've been noticing lately that my right eye closes in photos when I smile. The bigger the smile the more the eye closes. So when Mitzi took this picture I forced my eye open with my fingers haha. Disturbing!
We painted autumn pumpkins and had a great time.

Mitzi decided after our trip to Maine that she was going to make Whoopie Pies and see how it turned out.
They are amazing! I think they are the best over all the ones we had in Maine. She wasn't quite as convinced.
She made two sets. One with a cream cheese based filling and the other with base of marshmallows.

We went to a new restaurant last night that opened a few months ago. Grace Pizza and Shakes 30A. The pizza was the best we've had in this area. The crust was light and crunchy. It wasn't soggy at all. And the amount of cheese and toppings was just right. Everything about this pizza just really hit the spot.
We also had a salad. Very fresh and good quality.
Sometimes I fantasize about being a food writer. Experience food then write about it. If I ever do it I'll definitely need to expand my vocabulary for describing food and the dining experience. Just saying "it was good" or "it wasn't so good" probably won't cut it.
Or will it? hhhhmmmmm maybe that would be interesting because it's different.
I'll try it.
Grace Pizza.
It was good.
Why was it good?
Because it looked good and tasted good. The aroma was also good. The crunch in the crust was good. The pepperoni was good. The mushrooms were good. The light dough was good.
How was that? haha