August 30, 2023

Oceania Marina - Runavík, Lerwick, and Stornoway

Visits to Runavík, Lerwick, and Stornoway. Includes tender humans portraits and some amazing food.

Oceania Marina - Runavík, Lerwick, and Stornoway

Faroe Islands - Runavík

We visited Runavík in the Faroe Islands today. Most of the day was foggy and for some reason, we were both a bit low on energy today.

We walked around the town but almost everything was closed.

We did find a gas station and bought a few treats.

We were surprised to see a shop with sewing machines. There was only one store in Reykjavik that sold them, and Runavík is 20 times smaller than Reykjavik.

Just as we were about to leave the port the sun broke through the clouds.

We had a reservation at Toscana on ship this evening and enjoyed a nice italian meal. We sat at a table with another couple. It was fun to converse and swap stories. When people ask about Mitzi and I and how we met they always find the story captivating and interesting. So that's fun.

Shetland Islands - Lerwick

Here's the view we saw when we opened the curtains this morning.

Today was a tender to shore. To get on the tender they had us descend into the bowels of the ship.

Not too much leg room on this tender!

Tender humans...

We walked around Lerwick taking pictures and looking for a café.

This is my favorite picture of the day. Mitzi is in her element. Rural setting in nature, walking in the fresh air with a bounce in her step, and gentle wind blowing her hair. Her beautiful smile conveys everything.

We found a little café that had crepes. Yum!

We sat at the window and I got lost in taking pictures of people walking by.

We got our tender back to the ship just in time for our 4p culinary class. We learned how to cook seafood in 4 different ways. The chef had 3 helpers who did pretty much everything for us (mise en place, setting out all the ingredients in correct portions, turning on the stove, setting the bowls, washing everything).

All we had to do was a few simple steps on each dish. And take pictures. And most importantly, eat the food :)

It was a simple and fun class and the food was wonderful.

UK - Stornoway

When we opened our curtains this morning here is the sight that greeted our eyes.

We got ready for the day then hopped (not literally) on a tender for a long ride to shore. We actually stepped carefully because the wind was strong and the tender boat was bouncing up and down in the sea and we had to time our steps carefully!

Tender humans...

How it started and how it ended :)

We walked through town on our way to the Lews Castle and took pictures along the way. Including stopping for some hot chocolate and a treat at a café.

We took both Leicas. Mitzi with the Q2 and me with the M11. We make a pretty good photo team! Super fun!

The wool here is processed like the old days. They made a decision a long time ago to keep making it just like it used to be done. It's beautiful and classic.

We found a sheep trailer with sheep in it. And some smoked salmon, which this area is known for.

This ship has a restaurant on it called La Reserve. It's rather expensive and is the best dining experience available. We got to have dinner there tonight in a small group, just six other guests.

It was exquisite, one of the very top dining experiences we've ever had.

Scallops Rossini, mole negro, roasted pineapple.

There were 3 top chefs and a bunch of helpers plating the meals next to the dining table.

Brittany blue lobster, yellow curry broth, coco foam. My favorite.

Black truffle risotto, aged parmesan.

Seared sashimi style Wagyu beef, octopus tempura, carrot mousseline, grapefruit-mint tartar, hibiscus-honey infusion.

Aged A.O.C. Cantal & Brie de Meaux, black currant-thyme flower paste, watermelon chutney.

Sakura Geisha flower tea ice cream, lemon caviar.