Oceania Insignia - Sea Days and Greenland
We sail for three days then enjoy beautiful and remote Greenland.

Our first sea day on our way to Greenland. We enjoyed tea time with live chamber music. Super classy! Michael one of the entertainers was super friendly and couldn't believe we are old enough to have children in the 20's and 30's. He had to see some pictures for proof.

Mitzi brought a tiny portable sewing machine. She is working on peicing a new quilt. Several ladies stopped by to ask her about it.
After sewing Mitzi walked around the track deck with puddles all over. Dedication right there, folks!
We passed our first iceberg of the voyage, way down near Newfoundland. We were working out when we sailed by and Mitzi got a great photo.
One of the things we've discovered on Oceania is their ice cream is top notch. This chocolate is so smooth and rich and flavorful. The tongue loves, the body hates haha.

On our sea days we take a walk around the track up on deck. So windy!
We get ready for dinner at the Polo Grill and have a playful moment.
I got some pork belly. Decadent for sure :) Mitzi got a Maine Lobster and it was top notch.

The desert consisted of 5 items, so fun to take a bite of each.
We were delighted to see the chef making noodles from scratch using a pasta cutter. We had some with tomato sauce, yum.
Mitzi's quilt is coming along. Her little portable sewing machine is actually working!

The evening before we arrive in Greenland we decided to try room service. It was the best room service we've ever had on a ship! We ate in bed and watched a fun movie and will probably do the same this evening.
When we woke up this morning and opened the curtains, this is the site that greeted us. Paamiut, Greenland. So beautiful. After getting ready for the day we had a quick lunch in the Terrace Café.

We anchored in the bay and caught a tender to the shore. We passed this old sunken and rusty boat. I couldn't find any information about it online so no idea what it's history is.

We walked through the village of Paamiut and found some interesting things. The little church, the only one we saw, has a model sailing vessel hanging from the ceiling. Never seen that in a church before! It is a beautiful model.

We found a little café but since we had just eaten lunch we didn't get anything.

As we walked we saw a road curving up a mountainside. "Should we go up?" Mitzi asked. "Yep," I replied. So up we went. And we are so glad we did!
It led to the base of a rock mountain that we climbed. The views were so beautiful.
We both feel super grateful that our bodies are able to do this right now. This won't always be the case of course and we know that, so we feel deeply grateful we are doing this now while we can.
Being surrounded by such natural beauty in such a remote place is a feeling of awe and peace and wonder. It really touches my soul.

As we walked back down to the village we came across this old metal thing. Parts of an old ship and old metal shipping containers welded together into a structure of unknown use. There are coals all around and the inside is black so they must burn stuff in it! Rather eclectic and beautiful in it's own way.
Last time we were in Greenland (2018 on the Holland America Rotterdam) we found reindeer legs frozen in the freezer of a tiny market. We were hoping to find the same today and were disappointed, however we did find the legs of mountain sheep!

As we walked back to catch the tender we passed a few school boys playing on a slide. They were smiling at us and laughing and getting our attention. As soon as Mitzi pulled out the camera they got shy and hid. Being the school teacher that she is, she played their game and went right up to the inside of the structure and surprised this boy and snapped his photo :)
Back on board just in time for tea-time, Mitzi enjoys her daily scone with butter, jam, and cream. That's all she thinks about when lunch is done – "when will it be 4p?" Not literally of course, but she does look forward to it!

The following day we arrived in Qaqortoq, a bit larger town in Greenland.

Back on the ship we watched a battle ship doing maneuvers with a helicoptor which landed on the back. We also saw more icebergs as we sailed away.

It was foggy and cold as the evening came on, we enjoyed a nice dinner and quick walk across the open deck, back to our warm cozy room.

As we headed to Iceland we sailed through the Prince Christian Sound. And for the second to last dinner on this cruise – turkey leg!
The rest of the sailing to Iceland was a bit tossy. Mitzi wasn't affected too bad. I mostly had to lay in the bed all day for two days. We didn't take any pictures until the morning we arrived in Iceland. Which is the next post :)