New York City
A day and a half in New York City as we prepare to embark on our cruise to Europe.

We flew from Panama City Beach to Atlanta with Lizzie and Maddy. They had to walk through 1st class to their seats and we had a good laugh with them.

On to New York City. Checking in at the Double Tree.

St. Patricks cathedral.

Tiffany & Co. and Central Park.

Carnegie Diner & Cafe for a Reuben and NY Cheesecake.

A quick stop at Le Pain Quotidien for Belgian Waffles. Then on to across the street from the Hilton for some mystery meat that Mitzi and Brandon visited. She refused to eat but surprisingly Brandon would eat here.

Two influencers recording their mystery meat experience and talking all about it in front of their camera. It just cracked me up so I had to get a picture. Walking back to our hotel at dusk and passing Radio City.

Next day - Rockfeller Center and Top of the Rock

The very tip top of the Rockefeller Center, Mitzi pointing out the Brooklyn Bridge, the ice rink, and ... boarding the Oceania Insignia!

We grab a lunch while we wait for our room to be ready. Relax. Then off we go!

We steam past the Statue of Liberty on our way out of New York City. Oceania is know as the "Finest Dining on the Seas." Their table settings and food presentation is amazing.

Dinner in the dining room.

Then we had to check out the Terrace Café and have a few more items as the sunset with New York City way out behind us.

We check out the ship's library. This propeller on one of the life boats caught our attention with the bronze and green colors.