New Mexico
Thank goodness some things stay the same!
Sometimes in life you travel into a space that takes you back in time. New Mexico is this way for me. A place where Brandon and I came to start our real adult life after college :) jobs..... house..... kids. It was an incredible experience spanning 4 years.
I have been excited to take Damon here for years. Show him my favorite spots. Eat my favorite eats. Meet some of my favorite people.
Our first stop was going to be Las Cruces. A favorite of mine. Syd learned to walk and even swim here during our monthly business trips. Damon and I hoped to have lunch and enjoy the scenic Organ Mountains.
However, our experience took a quick turn south once we figured out there was no dining.......and an even deeper dive when we figured out there were no public restrooms available. Not in gas stations..... subway..... starbucks!
New Mexico has the strictest virus response we have seen. Hence the picture of the outhouse. In southern New Mexico, it is apparently less risky to use an overflowing outhouse..... than a plumbed indoor bathroom.

White Sands National Park.... Was Open! Was Beautiful! Was just like I remembered it! The white gypsum sand is an amazing sight out in the middle of the brown desert.

Albuquerque Dions! Has not changed one bit! We could not eat inside, but we could order inside and wait for our to-go. So many memories in this place, and the Pastrami and Provolone was as delicious as it was 24 years ago!
Damon was so converted that he asked for it a second time up in Santa Fe!

We took a drive out to the west side of Albuquerque to see the first home Brandon and I built. 7009 Easton Place. What great memories here! She still looks great!

We enjoyed patio dining at Sadies. I taught Damon the word Sopapilla and we enjoyed them with honey!

And now the Best part of our visit! Brad and Sarah Jane Allen. A couple that was also new to New Mexico in 1997, had just finished college, had a new baby, and was also making a go at real life. Just the kind of friends we needed back then!
Sarah Jane sewed and could make bread like no one I'd ever seen. Brad was super business savy and fun to be around. We spent some great years together. And despite the Jones Family moving back to Utah 20 years ago, there has always remained a connection.
It was so fun to introduce Damon to them! Truly a gift to see them and enjoy a wonderful visit and a delicious meal!

I am so thankful that despite never ending changes in life, some things just stay the same!