May 22, 2023

My First Grammy Overnighter!

Yes, this phase of life is the BEST!!!

My First Grammy Overnighter!

Syd called a few months ago and asked If I'd be willing to do an overnighter with Benson while they went to a concert in Indiana.  I said, "You Bet!"

I flew in the day before and we played and Benson was super excited to open a present I brought him....... a shark shirt!  And then he needed to show me how he mows the lawn and sprays bugs :). Obviously he follows his dad around like a shadow.

He's a snuggler, lap sitter, and a good little eater.

More popsicles and the cutest kitchen helper!

He has the funnest play equipment in the basement, loves to write notes, and build with his nails and hammer :)....... and there's that dang snake he likes to tease with!

The park.... the park... the park.....  they have the nicest little park just down the street.  

He loves to paint!  And loves popsicles, and pizza, and watching Trash Truck while eating his breakfast :)

At the park he hops behind the desk and says to me "money" and holds out his hand.  I give him a credit card????  (the only $ I have on me.)  He smiles and sets it down and begins to type. Obviously an interaction he has had with his parents many times :).

And the box of pink and white cookies..... I think in 3 days, he nearly ate the entire box :)

Oh this kid loves to get the snake and chase me :0. But he eventually runs out of gas :)

Dinner in the basement..... bubbles in the garage... and trucks and fake food all day long!

Oh he was happy to see his momma again!  And my gift was the darling beach chairs and umbrella for my mice!  They bought two darling antique chairs that are Benson's size.  He loved them!!!

And just like that, I am back home and this cute boy is back to regular life with his wonderful parents.  Oh he's a keeper! Thanks for the great weekend Benny!  I love you!