September 13, 2022

Maine - Part 1

We start our epic trip to Maine by traveling in Baby Malanah to Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, New Hampshire, and Vermont. State parks, dining, farms, family, and baking.

Maine - Part 1

Georgia, North Carolina,  Pennsylvania, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont

A few months ago we watched the show "Somebody Feed Phil". He did an episode in Maine. I said to Mitzi, "Let's go to Maine in Baby Malanah and eat some lobster rolls!"

She said, "Okay!" One of her super-powers is trip planning and organizing skills. She got busy and put the whole trip together!

We started this trip the evening before we started the trip. With a trip to the new Ambrosia restaurant in Watersound near our house.

Our software business had a record month in August. "Let's celebrate," we said. We also just concluded an amazing visit with Damon & Macall's family and we wanted to celebrate that too.

Pre Day 1

The new Ambrosia fine dining restaurant.

We enjoyed the decor and ambiance. The staff are amazing. Attentive and super friendly. The food was very good. It wasn't amazing, maybe we have become food snobs. Hmmmm. It was really good though :)

Day 1

We left at 9a the next morning and drove about 5 hours up to High Falls State Park in Georgia.

We were pleasantly surprised to find a Buc-ees along our path. We love their pulled pork sandwiches and apple pies. So we stopped and did a little eating and shopping.

Mitzi went on a walk around the state park. It's beautiful and peaceful here.

Day 2

We drove another 5 hours to Lake Norman State Park in North Carolina. But before we got to the park we had lunner (lunch and dinner) at Moyer's Lakeside Eatery in Mooresville, North Carolina.

They are best know for their Ruben and Cheesesteak sandwiches. These were the best Cheesesteak sandwiches we've ever had. We also tried the German Pancakes and Grilled Cheese sandwich.

Then we purchased ice cream to put in the freezer for later enjoyment. I was pretty tired and content after we ate.

We finished the drive and arrived at the beautiful state park. Mitzi got out her sewing project. I love it when she sews at camp grounds :) We walked around the campground and down to the lake. So peaceful and beautiful.

Day 3

We drove to Wadel's Dairy in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania.

As we got near the Pennsylvania border Mitzi pointed out this old barn. I was able to snap a picture real quick.

We switched driving every hour. We are finding that doing this makes the trip pleasant. We feel more rested and it's working really well.

Our first stop on arriving at the dairy farm was visiting their store. It was self-shopping. We could pay with check or cash. Mitzi was happy to see an opportunity to use the check book.

We purchased eggs, raw cow milk, honey, and Applewood Cheddar. All fresh and from the farm.

I've never had raw cow milk before. It was so rich and tasty. I loved it!

Mitzi made scrambled eggs with the delicious cheese and bell peppers we brought from home.

She was being a bit sassy teasing me because I asked if the pan could fit four eggs. Had to capture her sassiness haha. The scrambled eggs were delicious by the way.

As we walked down the lane for some exercise there was a pile of junk waiting to be removed. One item was a toilet seat and it just called out for a photo op. The lady that runs the farm saw me sitting on it and as we walked back up to our motorhome she teased me about sitting on it.

Wow lots of teasing coming my way today :)

This young guy driving this big tractor passed us. Mitzi explained he was towing a manure spreader. Oh my that thing stank!

We explored the farm a bit on our walk. We talked with another couple staying here. They are from New York with their little dogs. The dogs teeth were clean so Mitzi petted and loved on them a bit.

It's a beautiful farm. The dairy cows do smell a bit. We get a whiff of their aroma every once in a while and it makes us smile.

Check out the definition in my calf when I was bending down to get a picture of the sheep. Nice!

Day 4

We woke up today to a nice sunrise out the back windows.

Today we drove to Schenectady, New York. Almost six hours today. We stopped about half-way and had lunch at Green Gables in New Milford, Pennsylvania. An 85 year old restaurant. We were amazed they've kept it running so long!  It's close to Scranton.  Mitzi's girls are big "Office" fans.

About an hour from our destination we switched drivers and Mitzi snapped a picture of these beautiful wild flowers next to the road.

We crossed into New York and went through a small tunnel which looked to be about 100 years old.

Our destination was Mad Rooster Farm. It's a beautiful property in the hills of New York state. Schenectady, to be exact.

Mitzi just started sprinting and I snapped away. I LOVE this picture!

It's getting cold and we are still wearing our Florida clothes. It's just really hard to change into warmer clothing that doesn't have that chill Florida vibe :)

They have a 4 month old German Sheppard named Otto. He was a bit intimidating but fortunately we have experience with Maddy's CJ and Colt so it worked out okay.

Day 5

We drove 3 hours to meet Daron and Heather's family in their home town of Peterborough, New Hampshire.

We grabbed lunch at Twelve Pine and took it to a nearby park to eat. The weather was perfect.

Then we just had to have some macaroons for desert! Sweet Macaroon hit the spot.

Adah took some of these pictures. She wanted a picture with me. And of me :)

And she wanted one of herself. And her dad. And mom. And Jacob. She did a great job!

We went over to Daron and Heather's house. Their landscaping is amazing. So beautiful and peaceful.

Jacob played his sax for us on the steps. Their garden is producing these heirloom tomatoes and egg plants. Daron is working on his water-ski boat and has it torn down to the guts.

I'm so impressed with his skills. Landscaping, building outdoor decks, his workshop, cabinetry. He has completed so many projects and does them so well. I'm so glad for him that he finds satisfaction in this work.

After our great visit we drove over to White River Junction, Vermont. Mitzi stayed at this Hampton in 2014 on her trip to King Arthur Baking Company.

It's fun to hear about her experience here and how wonderful it was.

I've been looking forward to doing a baking class with her at King Arthur and tomorrow it's happening!

We parked in Diamond Member parking. After Brandon died his Hilton Diamond status died with him. Hilton wouldn't transfer it to Mitzi's card.

She decided to not let that stop her and in 2018 she earned the status of Diamond again. There ain't nothing stopping her from getting the perks of that!

We were hungry on arrival so we went over to the Elixir fine dining restaurant. We enjoyed Salmon, Caprese salad, and mussels.

It's been a fun and successful day. We are tired and ready to get a good nights sleep zzzzzz.

Day 6

What a fun day! We did a 3 hour baking class at King Arthur Baking Company in Norwich, Vermont. Mitzi came here in 2014 and did a week long class.

Ever since she told me about it 5 years ago I've wanted to come here and take a class with her. Well, today was the day!

Our first stop was at the Cafe to get some ham and onion quiche, breakfast sandwich, and chocolate croissant. Only the best chocolate croissant ever :)

Then we went to class. We learned how to make Indian Flat Bread. Naan and Aloo Paratha.

They have the class so organized. One baker teacher, one assists. Everything we needed showed up when we needed it. And when we were done it magically disappeared. They make the experience enjoyable.

Mitzi threatened me, in play of course, with the french rolling pin.

Thanks Mitzi for bringing me here and sharing this wonderful experience together!

I was so sleepy today since I woke up. I was in a bit of a fog all morning. Mitzi took some pictures of me during the baking class. She thought it was hilarious that I looked so out of it. She put this collage together showing that I was basically asleep while baking haha.

After the class we did a little shopping in the store. And of course got our pictures under the crown.

After resting at the hotel for a bit we headed south to The Vermont Country Store. Mitzi visited here in 2014 and again with her family in 2016. It's such a fun place, a great place to browse and shop and enjoy some food.

What a cute granny. She had to use my reading glasses to see the sodium content on one of the product labels.

After browsing through the store we headed over to the cafe. The salad was so fresh and tasty we got two more for tomorrow.

The hot dog was cob roasted. We didn't know what that was so we looked it up. It means it was roasted over corn cobs that were on fire. And it was DELICIOUS!

Rated at the top of our list along with the hot dog we had in Chicago a few years ago.

The clam chowder was also excellent.

We went back into the store to purchase our items and then got a double-selfie outside.

Mitzi drove us back to the hotel through the rain. Baby Malanah is such a comfortable vehicle to travel in. It rides smooth and quiet, is small and nimble, and also has every convenience we could want. We are very grateful to travel this way.

Mitzi was reflecting today how much her life has changed since 2014 when she was here for the first time. Being here she feels like the same person she was 8 years ago but also so different and it's a very odd feeling.