October 11, 2022

Maddy Comes to Wild Heron

And visits us for her Fall Break!

Maddy Comes to Wild Heron

Maddy called a few weeks ago and asked if we'd be home over her fall break???  YES!!! So she flew out for a few days of sun and mum :)

Maddy has a garden store near her house that sells a delicious brand of chocolate. She delivered me 7 bars!

It's been over a year since Maddy was here last.  Since then we have bought the "chairs."  She gives them each a test drive :)

A morning run over to Rosemary for a Playa Bowl :0

We enjoy some biking..... and Maddy attends my dance aerobics class.  Such a great time!  Later that evening we eat.....

Goat Feathers.....

And a dip in the Hot Tub followed by a Whoopie Pie that I've been saving in the freezer from Maine :)

We spend a lot of time a the pool.  Chatting, laughing, catching up.

Dinner at Shaka.  Maddy loves all kinds of food.

Charming Pic with her and DJ:). And a trip to Carousel for some late night shopping.

We've been nursing the sourdough starters back to life.  Today we tried a waffle recipe.

I took advantage of her strength and let her row me to the beach.  She's funny and physically competitive like her dad.  22 min row on the way back...... new record!

Madalyn is a queen baker!  She has mastered french macaroons and bakes them for a party we are attending.  The center is pecan pie.  They are  scrumptious!

We add them to the offerings and partake in some goods :)

After the fire pit we ventured back over towards the food.  People were hoarding Madalyn's Macaroons!  One guy had 4 on a napkin and was guarding them with his life.  After embracing Maddy and telling her she delivered a memory of his late mother with her creation he said.... and there's only one left and I'm going to eat that one too!  Just then another man swooped in and took it.  

A few days later this mans wife told me he had saved 1 Macaroon.  He was waiting for the perfect moment to have it with his favorite Whiskey.  His wife said if he didn't eat it that day, she was swooping in to take it off his hands.  

The host of the party told me she had put 4 on a small plate over by her purse. When she went to leave...... 1 Macaroon remained on the plate.  Funny night with Maddy's Macaroons :)

Damon made her a loaf of Bread the morning she was leaving.  We had not had his bread since before Maine.  It tasted soooooooo Good!!!

And just that fast she was on a flight back to Utah :( I had such a wonderful 3 1/2 days!  Thanks for coming Maddy!  We loved your visit!