Three days in London and Mitzi gets together with her friend Gaynor who she hasn't seen for 35 years.

We disembarked Marina this morning. It was a slow process and we got off an hour later than scheduled. So we missed our train to London but no worries, we got an Uber which was a nice ride and direct to the hotel.
After getting situated we ventured out for some food and exploring.
We went to a pizza restaurant. They had us at "sourdough pizza, proofed 24 hours". And the sourdough was amazing!
We are bit spoiled and had a reset with the salad. The menu said "tuna salad" and we pictured seared tuna filet with pepper sliced beautifully on a green salad. What came to us was canned tuna and we had a good laugh at ourselves haha.

We walked around London, over the Thames, towards St. Paul's Cathedral. We passed some homeless folks and some drug folks on the street. Mitzi looked tense and worried. So I asked what she was feeling.
She was a bit concerned of being mugged. Well I had this glass water bottle from the hotel and told her I would use it as a weapon if anyone tried anything. So we continued on and I did keep it my hand the rest of the day, ready for action!
Action wasn't needed, all was well. We enjoyed the walk, found some interesting things to photograph.

St. Paul's Cathedral had a lot of people around it. It's an amazing structure but we didn't get a chance to really feel it. Too many people, too much commotion.
We walked back across the Thames and reached our hotel. It was a five mile walking day. We are tired and adjusting to being off the ship, and we are warming up to London.
It's a bit overwhelming at first. So much history. So many people. So many things to potentially see and do.

Day 2 in London
Mitzi's friend from Australia now lives north of London. She came down and met us for the day. Mitzi has not seen her in 35 years! Long time! So great to see these women re-connect! She is a UK girl and gave us a Royal Tour!

To a Thai Place for Lunch!

These two are like teenagers again :)

Big Ben and Parliament. Gaynor teaching us how to prick our finger on the top :)

Lots of laughs :)

Gaynor teaching us about the Royal Guards.

So much JOY! Literally two school girls again :)

Some shots in passing.....

Gaynor showing Mitzi her Tattoos. Most are around Alice in Wonderland. Mitzi is so interested!

Steiff Collection at Hamley's

And one last photo of the girls :)

Damon here:
Gaynor noticed I was tired by mid afternoon. She hailed a taxi for me and sent me back to the hotel. Kind soul :)
The taxi's here are great! Roomy and practical. My driver was cool and we chatted over the intercom for about 10 minutes. I also snapped a few pictures out the window as we drove slowly through London traffic.
First in a series: Through A Taxi Window

Mitzi spent a few more hours with Gaynor before she needed to catch her train. Mitzi said it was the best day seeing her old friend :). What a treasure of a day!

And then she tucked in a cab and came back to the hotel.

Damon here:
I deployed a huge update to Lifestyles Podium this morning. And as it usually does, things went wrong. So I've been working intensely to get everything polished and smooth.
We took a break to grab some dinner at The Windmill around the corner from our hotel. That worked great, after dinner I was able to fix the problems. It helps to have fuel to provide energy to the brain when it needs to work hard.

Borough Market and Les Misérables
We started our adventures by walking through London to the Borough Market.

The market was busy and noisy. It was a lot to take in.

We found some Paella that looked amazing. We stood in a long line and waited. Once we finally got our portion we stood off to the side eating it. A guy that worked security in the bldg asked us to go sit in the area with seats haha.

Then Mitzi went for the chocolate covered strawberries! Oh my Goodness!!!

I went for the Wild Mushroom Risotto!

We went back to the designated eating area....... and would you believe both Mitzi and I had birds poop on us during this entire experience :). Gross and Funny!
Before we left the market, I tucked in a barber shop for a haircut!

And then grabbed some prosciutto to go. 3 years old, aged in Croatia. Mmmmm

Next stop, Tower Bridge.

As we started walking back the rain rolled in. We decided to hop in a taxi back to our hotel.

Another Series: Through A Taxi Window

We rested for a few hours and then headed to dinner before our show! We ate dinner at an Italian restaurant. The food was okay. I think Oceania really spoiled us on food. Almost everything we've eaten since getting off the ship seems boring and bland – spoiled rotton we are.

We had great seats at Les Mis. 5th row. Center. The performance was incredible. Spell binding. It was a wonderful evening.

The logo of The French Revolution. Very French indeed.

We will be back London :)