May 10, 2023

Lizzie Graduates from Dixie

Passing another parenting Milestone!

Lizzie Graduates from Dixie

On our way to Lizzie's graduation, we decided to take a motorhome trip down to Tampa and fly out of St. Pete's directly into Provo.  This way we could visit some Northern Utah family before heading to St. George for the festivities.

Manetee Springs State Park was a beautiful camping spot 4 hours into the drive.   It had the Coolest swimming hole.

I told Damon I would really like to swim in this spring, and so he bought me a snorkel mask and jumped in first....... I think to scan the hole for gators and snakes.  He hates moss and cold water.  But he's such a gentleman.  Thanks kind soul.  The experiene was amazing!  I felt so alive.  The water was so clear.  And the temp felt so good on my many bug bites ;)

We share a post swim root beer float and I wear a moss scarf on our walk back to the motorhome ;)

Dinner on the Suwannee River

Delicious clams and cheese cake bites.

Interesting Greek ethnic dinner in a parking lot.  A one man operation.  Humbling.

Delicious, 10/10 Thai Lunch at the Kombo Kitchen in Tampa and we are off on the plane!  

Meeting up with Maddy!  She gives me my Mother's Day Gift from my girls!  The most darling hedge hog that pops out of a mushroom and a yellow bicycle for my little frog.  Damon gets a 1/2 gallon of raw milk! She also has arranged a dozen flower arrangements and bought sweet bread for me to give out on our visits. Damon heads down to Payson to spend the day with his parents.  Maddy and I head to Summit County to see our family.

The next day is Monday.  I drop her off some lunch at the school she teaches at and Damon and I head up to Wanship to spend the day enjoying a delicious meal my parents prepare.  No body makes fried chicken or serves up lunch, like the Woolstenhulmes!

On our way back to Provo I meet one of my oldest childhood friends and catch up.  I love her dearly and it's always just such a treat to spend a few hours together.  

I love taking Maddy lunch when she's at school.  I love seeing her in her SLP role. We stop by CostCo..... I miss shopping there on a regular basis.  We meet up for dinner with Maddy at Bajio..... a Jones family fav.... and then we hit a movie.

Wednesday I delivered Maddy one last school lunch and then headed to SLC to meet Gretchen.  Damon, Gretch, and I had an appt at Richelle's Day Spa. Ohhhhhh it's the best!  And I even ran into an old college friend, Judy :)  And then we feasted on crown burger!  Love Gretch!  Wish I saw her more.

And that evening we met Maddy for dinner and Cake!  Love her!  Miss her so much!

The next morning we were able to visit with Heather, Ashleigh, and their cute little dog!  It's always great to see them :).  Wish we saw them more often.

On to St. George to see my Lizzie!  Ohhhhhh the cookies she brought!!!  Dinner at our favorite Thai Place and then a Hot Tub dip!

And then Friday May 5th was finally here!  The day Lizzie graduates with her Bachelors Degree.  I went with Josh and Liz to pick up her tassels from the college and then we went to lunch.  I really love and appreciate this guy!

It's a beautiful evening.   Ahhhhhh I'm so proud of her!  So proud of all my girls for getting a viable education.   I'm thankful for Damon's companionship at this event.

I so appreciate Josh and all he has done to support Lizzie getting this degree.  It means so much to her momma!  She will teach severe special ed.

We stop off for Ice cream and then enjoy a treat at their home.

While in St. George, Lizzie and I hiked and shopped and she painted my nails RED!!!  Being the mom of 3 daughters who all graduated from Dixie..... well that deserves RED nails ;)

Dinner at the Drive In the next day with rounds of poker and other games :)

Sunday we get to play with Damon's Family! The kids are darling...... as usual. Navy and Cobalt take turns with Grandpas camera and snaps hundreds of photos. Many are very good!

These kids are the best!  They are always ready to play and tell stories.  I love seeing them.  Wish this could happen once a week ;)

I do my best to show them my trampoline tricks and they show me theirs.  I need a trampoline in my life again ;)

We head out to enjoy a delicious BBQ dinner.

And then we were joined by John and Val and Lizzie and Josh for an evening swim party!  These kids are amazing swimmers!  What a great day with a wonderful family!

So many great conversations.  I could do this every week ;)

One last day of food, sights, and games.

I Love my family and the opportunity we had to see so many of them on this trip. I can't believe I am the mom of 3 working, educated, married women.  I'm so glad I lived long enough to see and enjoy this phase of life.