Birmingham with Lizzie
Temple Trip to Alabama
Lizzie made the choice to take her endowments out in the Birmingham Temple this summer while Josh's family was visiting them. Damon and I drove up for the event.
We've been on this Bama road a few times this summer and have scouted out several BBQ places. We were really looking forward to trying one in Laverne, AL. Looking at these photos.... I think they tell the story. Not great food. Dang!

A few hours later we make it up to Birmingham and check into our hotel. I'm super excited to see Lizzie!

We meet the Weiland's at "Full Moon" BBQ for dinner. Our second BBQ attempt in one day......Thankfully it was delicious!

We take Lizzie back to the hotel for her to change her clothes and get ready. I miss her so much! It's great to be with her for a few hours.

It was nice to attend the Temple with Lizzie. She's a beautiful person and I'm so glad I am her mom. I'm also thankful the Weiland's were able to join us!
The next morning we woke up to Damon having a full on Gout attack! Yikes! He was in a lot of pain! We slowly made our way home.
At the half way point we stop at "Peach Park." A delicious fruit stand with amazing ice cream, cobbler, fried hand pies, and fruit!

I had to really focus to decide which ice cream was the best..... peach, cantaloupe, or vanilla ;). Damon enjoyed trying to figure out the best one as well!

Another few hours and we stopped at a thrift store for me to wander and stretch my legs. Cool finds..... but nothing I had to own :)

Damon is an amazing road tripping partner and I'm so thankful he's in my life right now.