Lifestyles Unlimited Expo #3
Our third annual trip to the Lifestyles Unlimited Expo.

This is our third trip to the annual Lifestyles Unlimited Expo. We started with a plane ride from St. George to Los Angeles to Houston.
We chose LA as the layover airport instead of Denver because: the trip is longer from LA to Houston and we were flying 1st class so we could enjoy the trip longer. And get a meal. Damon wanted this. Mitzi laughed and thought it was hilarious.
Wherein Mitzi binds a quilt, Damon watches The Middle, and elderly woman photo bombs our picture, and we enjoy a salad and Chicken Tikka Masala, and warm nuts, and herbal orange tea.

That night we ate at Pappacitos, a fun Mexican restaurant.
Wherein we enjoy tuna ceviche and chips and salsa. And a reddish lighting hue.

The next day we met Taylor and Baylie for lunch at Pappadeaux. Yes the same restaurant chain Mitzi and I enjoyed in the Dallas airport a few weeks ago. We were looking forward to their Coconut Shrimp but alas, they didn't have them at this location.
Wherein we eat Seafood Gumbo, Crawfish Bisque, Salmon, Mahi Mahi, and THE BEST KEY LIME PIE EVER!

The two classes went great! I taught a new class on BasilBooks, the simple accounting app for our real estate investors. People loved it, I loved bragging on Mitzi since she uses it all the time and is an expert, and it's just so fun to do this project together with her.
That evening we went to the Jewish Deli called Kenny & Ziggy's. Taylor and I so wanted to share this place with Mitzi and Baylie. It's quite an experience. Huge portions and good quality. So New Yorkie and so Jewishie. Makes me feel connected to my heritage.
The menus are HUGE and we had fun taking pictures of Taylor and Baylie behind them, and Mitzi trying to take it all in.

Wherein we enjoy kasha varnishkas, matzo ball soup, shaved brisket open face sandwich, grilled cheese, beef stroganoff, pickles, and a french dip sandwich........ and a giant slice of the most delicious strawberry cheesecake (which may or may not have been eaten at the beginning of the meal)!

The next morning we met Taylor and Baylie up in the club room where they had just finished breakfast. 24th floor of the Hilton with a great view.

We head off and listen to my business partner Del Walmsley give the key note address to thousands of people. It's amazing to see what Lifestyles Unlimited has become -- so many people!

The printed program had two large advertisements for Quest and BasilBooks. Yay!

In the afternoon I teach my two classes again. They were well attended. Mitzi said I did a great job which made me so happy! She was super supportive helping me rest and prepare for the classes, giving me encouragement, sitting through the classes, helping answer questions, and serving me in many ways. She's a wonderful wife and takes really good care of me.

At 5:30p we went over to the Lead Mixer. This was the main event for us. An opportunity to connect with Lead Investors so we can get into more multifamily apartment deals.
We were nervous about having to talk to so many people, but it turned out we could just scoot around and grab their business cards so we connect with them later.
It was a mad-house! And we got 97 of them :)
Huge success by all counts. Here's Mitzi showing off the business cards after we had secured some and were feeling pretty good about our progress.

Then it was finally time to settle down and unwind from two active and busy and fun days.

As we headed home we had a welcome and pleasant surprise. As we neared our departure gate in the Houston airport there was a Pappadeaux restaurant. We checked out the menu and — they had Coconut Shrimp!
Getting the Coconut Shrimp we were hoping for was a wonderful cap to a wonderful trip.
Wherein we enjoy the delicious Coconut Shrimp and some fresh squeezed orange juice.