July 27, 2019

Life is Uncertain....

........so eat dessert first!

Life is Uncertain....

When I was a young mom  I went to Houston, Texas with a  friend, Amber, and her mom, Kathy.   Kathy was a pattern designer and an exhibitor at the Houston Quilt Show.  We had a busy week working the show.    Late one evening we found a place to sit down and eat.  When the waiter came to the table to get our drink order, Kathy ordered dessert.  I must have looked confused.  She smiled at me and said, "Life is uncertain, we should eat dessert first."  

It was a welcomed and tasty thought!  

Presentation is something that I so appreciate!  It probably comes from the years I spent working in my family's restaurant.  When the food is beautifully presented, you can't help but love it! (even if it doesn't taste that great:)

The lamination of flour and dough is something that absolutely amazes me.  The layers and layers of flakiness is one of my favorite textures and tastes.

These pictures were taken on Shetland  Island off the tip of Scotland.  It's small but   very green and beautiful.  I met Damon for lunch after a big hike.  Once I saw the dessert display, I did order it first:)

Magnolia Bakery is one of my favorites!  The presentation doesn't always look amazing as it's often scooped from a pan into a container, but their flavors are exceptional!

Damon introduced me to two businesses in Salt Lake that I had never tried.  Ruby Snap Cookies and Anything Bundt Cake!  Mmmmmmmmm

And sometimes you just have to try a dessert to see what the concoction tastes like??? In Iceland we ordered a green tomato apple pie and it was delicious!