January 26, 2020

Hot Date Sushi Class

A hot date Sushi class for a Christmas present where we learn to make sushi rolls with the rice on the ... wait for it ... outside.

Hot Date Sushi Class

Mitzi purchased a Christmas gift for me of a sushi class at Harmon's. A couple years ago we went to a pasta class there and fully enjoyed it. So it was with great anticipation we got a little dressed up and went out last Thursday night. Mitzi is a hot date and it's so fun to do things like this with her!

The chef made us all miso soup which he served right after we got there. A nice warm comfort food to get the class off to a good start!

The chef first walked us through a demo of how to make rolls and nigiri and then it was our turn to try it out.

The first thing to do was mix up the spicy tuna and cut up the things that would go inside the sushi rolls.

We started by making sushi rolls with the rice on the inside, nori paper on the outside. The chef told us to make the rice one kernel thick. Mitzi did a beautiful job getting it right.

The next step was to put all the yummy ingredients inside the roll. The chef gave us another clue – don't put too much stuff on the inside. Mitzi created a beautiful roll on her first try.

Obviously I didn't get the "don't put too much stuff in the middle" advice. It wouldn't close up. Sad. So first try was a failure but stick around, I might get better at it!

On our second attempt we decided to make the roll with the rice on the outside. This looked harder but we found it was actually easier. More space to work with on the inside and the best part – we got to sprinkle sesame seeds on the outside :)

Sweet success!

Mitzi's last roll was a masterpiece. She is really good with this stuff! She put a sweet eel type sauce on, sliced green onion, sesame seeds, cream cheese, bell pepper, cucumber, and tuna. Beautiful creation by a beautiful woman.

For dessert they served us these yummy mochi ice cream. A few months ago I was going to buy one at the grocery store. As I walked up to the freezer where they were kept piled unwrapped in a bin, a woman was grabbing them with her bare hand. Yikes! That kind of grossed me out so I didn't buy any.

When the chefs at Harmon's served us the mochi ice cream and explained they came from a box I was relieved and was able to fully enjoy them. Mitzi's favorite was the Blood Orange, my favorite was the Pistachio. It's rare that our tastes are different. They are identical about 93.7% of the time.

It was a wonderful date, a wonderful present (Mitzi is so great at gift giving, I'm lucky to be the recipient), and a wonderful food experience. Smiles all around...