We Finally Get a Range Rover
We unexpectedly find the perfect Range Rover while visiting the Carters in St. Louis.

We've had our eye on the new Range Rover for the last two years. The new design is just too beautiful and compelling.
The problem is they are in very tight supply. Dealers rarely have them in stock. It's currently a two-year wait to order one and have it delivered.
So, it was surprising when, in St. Louis last week, I found one in stock at the local dealer. Even more surprising, it was exactly what I would have ordered in colors and features!
The guy who ordered it couldn't complete the purchase when it was delivered; that's why it was available.
I asked Logan if he wanted to go check it out with me. We had a good time and were quite impressed.

After a bit of discussion, Mitzi and I decided to purchase it. It was too good of an opportunity to pass up.
Even though in a few days we were leaving for Italy for three months, and it'll just sit in the garage. No problem.
I love this car. The perfect steering wheel. Attention to every detail in the design and manufacturing. It's so quiet. So smooth. So powerful.
To me, it's the perfect car. Beautiful engineering, beautiful design, beautiful function. Wow.
Logan captured a picture as I signed the papers, haha. And a few other moments as I took delivery.

We drove it back to Logan & Sydney's house where Mitzi saw it for the first time.
"This is totally a Damon car," she said. She was so happy for me.

This is the best car I’ve ever had. A dream come true. I’m pinching myself to make sure it’s not a dream :) In a way, it is.