July 16, 2021

Emily and Nechemia Marry

Emily and Nechemia get married. Simply and without fanfare. We are all excited and happy for them!

Emily and Nechemia Marry

On July 15, 2021 Emily sent this text to the Janis/Jones family:

We were all very excited. Emily and Nechemia let us know a few months earlier they planned on marrying. It was a mystery as to when that might happen. I think it was a mystery to them too :)

They had decided to keep it really simple. Just go to the courthouse and get married. No parties or fanfare.

The day after the announcement Mitzi and Maddy and I were at the beach when out of the blue we received this text from Emily:

We were all so excited to see the announcement. I was able to capture a picture of Mitzi and Maddy at the moment they got the news. Mitzi is hearting the picture and typing the message seen in the screen shot above.

We are very happy for Emily and Nechemia. They are a wonderful couple. We are so happy to add Nechemia to our family. He's a great addition. We love him. We are grateful for the companionship and friendship these two share.