January 16, 2021

Dixon, New Mexico

Where Authoritarianism takes on a unique remote flair!

Dixon, New Mexico

What an interesting place.  Interesting good?  Interesting Bad? ......... Both.

We booked this little place before we had found the Match Point house.  Our plan was to come to Northern New Mexico to ski and enjoy the winter (5 weeks) before heading back to Utah.  

Once we purchased the Match Point house we thought we would stay here for maybe 3 weeks before heading out to Florida.  The movers are coming the first week of February. After a few days of checking out the area, we settled on 10 days.

Highlight:  The cabin.  It's darling.  Uniquely furnished. Clean.  Fantastic heating and hot water. Great Kitchen. Very comfy and peaceful.  Damon created another sourdough masterpiece :)

Highlight:  This Daybed.  It was conveniently located in the family room.  We both enjoyed lounging on it.  In the evenings we would snuggle up together and watch a series.

Highlight: The bedroom.  Large and decorated nicely.  Had it's own heater. Beautiful ceiling and fan.  Despite many windows, the blinds kept it dark.  I slept every night.  I think I am up to 10 + nights of good sleeps.  A record since the accident.  Strange for it to finally happen up here...... but I'll take it!  It feels miraculous!

Highlight: The surrounding area.  It's on a little river.  It's beautiful and remote. You must cross an old bridge to get to the house.  It snowed one day. We walked outside most days...... back and forth to the main road.  Damon had a great time shooting photos..... but did loose two pairs of reading glasses ;)

Highlight:  Victor's Drive-In.  One day we drove up to the ski resort area.  We noticed this little place and made a mental note to stop by on our way back. Priceless.  Victor and his wife running the drive-in.  I have so much respect for this type of work.  Victor had on no mask.  Was beyond friendly.  Was an Air Force Veteran that had been stationed in Alabama and took leave in PCB.  This type of friendliness means so much in such an oppressive environment. We drove back later in the day to get a better photo and support their business one more time, but they were closed.

Lowlight:  The town.  It's so run down and just plain strange.  Some buildings have plaques dating back over 100 years.  I wonder if life here has always felt like a struggle.  Most buildings are a modge-podge of broken and boarded up menagerie. It feels mostly sad with tiny bits of hopeful color.

Highlight:  We enjoyed taking photos around the town. There are  some unique building materials. The man at the post office was friendly!  The Dixon Market only allows 5 people in the store at a time, but they do have a nice little selection of food and hand crafted items.

Hightlight:  Bear making!  I haven't made a bear in over 6 years.  Life was so busy in 2014 and 2015, and then I just haven't had the creative energy.  But.... Navy's 5th birthday has been on my radar and it is the perfect time to come back to those skills.  It was so cold when I was cutting it out on the porch.... I came in 3 times to get warm :)

We take off in the morning to Texas.  Bring on the warmth and southern charm!