Celebrity Apex to Celebrate Discovery Goals!
I Love Discovering New Things About Damon!

April 12. I woke up and came downstairs to find Damon sitting at the counter. He had tears in his eyes. I asked him what was wrong? He told me his software company had achieved a goal he set 25 years ago. He couldn't believe It! He was awe struck and happy and not sure what to think.... now this goal was achieved???
When you marry at past middle age, there is so much of a person you don't know. This was all news to me! Great News! But New News! I said, "Lets celebrate!" .....thinking we would go to dinner :). Damon smiled through his tears and said "Okay! Are you game for a Cruise?" And this is how we landed on the Celebrity Apex.....3 days later :)
Day 1 - April 15 - Ft. Lauderdale. Exploring the ship is always so much fun! This ship is a beauty!

Day 2 - April 16 - Key West, FL. We toured the Hemingway House, found a lobster roll, a wonderful cookie shop, and even toured a pirate museum!

Day 3 - April 17 - At Sea. Spoiled with Dulce de leche croissants, beautiful lounge space, and an insiders tour of the ship!

Day 4 - April 18 - Belize City, Belize. A bus ride, a boat ride, and a big hike to see some Incredible Stone Structures!

Day 5 - April 19 - Cozumel, Mexico. Shopping, a massage, and lunch at our favorite Cozumel Place!

Day 6 - April 20 - Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. We stayed on the boat. DJ had a class he needed to teach online and we enjoyed the quietness of the ship!

Day 7 - April 21. Another day at sea and an Insiders Art Tour of the Ship. Damon is too Cool to do these things!

Ahhhhhh what a Grand Time! Thanks so much Damon! And a HUGE Congradulations to YOU!!!!!!