October 13, 2023

Castelnau de Montmiral

A quiet and peaceful week in the French countryside. We also visit some very old villages built on hilltops in the 1200's. And we eat a lot of French cuisine :)

Castelnau de Montmiral

Mitzi took this picture out our bedroom window this morning.

The sign on our fridge, made Mitzi laugh.

We drove back over the dirt road up to Castelnau de Montmiral to have lunch at L'auberge again.

This couple walked by while we waited for food. Matching shoes!

Mitzi got her salad again. I got another corbon bleu. Yum!

These old French mopeds remind me of mopeds that came out in the 70's when I was a child.

Beautiful views on our drive back to the house.

For dinner we went to Azura to have some pizza for dinner. It's in the town of Gaillac (guy-ack) about 20 minutes from our house.

The pizza was surprisingly excellent! We weren't sure what to expect.

As we were walking back to the car we saw this huge rooster in the middle of the intersection circle. Lit at night makes for an interesting piece of art.


We went up to the stronghold Puycelci. It was built in the 1200's and there were many times it was defended from various enemies. We enjoyed walking around and exploring and learning about it.

The restaurant we were hoping to have dinner at was closed. So we went into a tiny convenience store and bought some grapes (yum!), drinks, a croissant, and a loaf of bread and had a nice late lunch on a cement bench in the town square.

Mitzi loved this place. She said this is her authentic self. Out in the French countryside where there is space and beauty and old quality architecture and high quality beautiful food.

We might be moving :)


The horses were near the house when we left today so we had a little interaction with them.

Cordes-sur-Ciel in about 25 minutes from us on the top of a mountain. We had to park at the bottom and walk up very steep and narrow streets to get up to the center. Our phones calculated the hike up as equivelent to 24 flights of stairs. Nice!

Lunch ends in France at 2p, we barely made it!

For dinner we went back to the the town Gaillac (guy-yack). We had a lovely dinner at Chez Germaine. We ordered tapas (small plates) and enjoyed the variety. We have stopped buying one dessert to share in France. It really makes the serving staff stressed out! So we each ordered our own dessert and then shared them without telling the waiter haha.

If we were going to be here longer we would go back, it was a great place to eat.

Last day in Castelnau de Montmiral

We decided to stay and enjoy the house and property all day. It was a quiet day. Mitzi loved spending the time outdoors in the pool, the hot tub, and sewing on the backyard table.

This property has been a wonderful place to feel peace and relax.

As we headed out to dinner the horses were up at the fence. And the sky had clouds in it as the sun was getting close to setting.

We went to L'Auberge up in Castelnau de Montmiral, for the third time. This time for dinner.

Mitzi ordered the cordon bleu. This is our third order. It's so good. She also got the crispy chicken salad again. What a wonderful experience.

These girls were playing when I snapped the picture of Mitzi. Had to zoom in on them.

Tomorrow we drive to Toulouse and catch a train down to Barcelona. It's been a wonderful week here. Did I already mention that? Yes, a few times :)