Carter Dental Graduation
Celebrating Dr Logan and Sydney Carter!

They Did It!
4 years in Missouri, 2 old houses, 2 large yards, isolation, strange odd jobs, lupus, 3 pregnancies, religious deconstruction, a handful of new treasured friends, hours of sewing and quilting, ambitious home improvement projects, student council, Ortho applications, 3.9 GPA...... phew. They Made It!
I love these three!
Our close relationship grew out of the tangible realities of Brandon's accident. I had convinced them to move into our home in the summer of 2016, until their low income housing came available in the fall. A few months later, Brandon died before they moved out.
There's living with your mother in law for a few summer months ...... and then there's living with your mother in law after her husband suddenly died.... for 2 years.
I felt terrible guilt for the predicament I'd put these two in. I knew Brandon's death would completely change our life. For Logan..... I felt this was so cruel. To meet and marry into this random family, only to have it completely change your life. I worried he would not be able to pursue his higher education ambitions.
So seeing them cross this finish line is so sweet. And such a relief. He has truly been an angel for me these past 6 years. I can't imagine I would love him any more if he were my natural son. I'm so thankful Sydney has him.

And Benson....... is basically the most ridiculous sweet treat, to an already wonderful situation.

And Finn....... the well behaved Beautiful Golden.

Logan and Syd head off to an awards dinner and we babysit Benny.

We play toys, go to the park, he takes a nap, and he is continually searching the house for them.

Syd sends a text saying they are on their way home. We go outside to capture the joyous reunion. Ummmmm not quite what we expected. Anger? Betrayal? We loved his big emotions :)

Thankfully he forgave us all by the time we left.

The next day Damon was teaching some online classes. I offered to walk over to Popeye's and grab him some lunch. As I left the restaurant, the sky opened up with a midwest torrential down pour.

After I dried off, we began our drive 3 hours northwest to Kirksville for the graduation.
A little shopping at Koch's General Store.

A Delightful and Delicious Celebratory Dinner at the Pear Tree.

Sydney is an amazing mom to Benson. It's so gratifying seeing her be so attentive to him and loving to him. Logan and Sydney have grown a beautiful child.

They boys take a dip in the pool and Benson loves the dog pic in the elevator.

The next morning we head to the ceremony and the Carter's arrive. We are all so proud!

Damon captured so many genuine happy moments! Thank you DJ for your camera talents!

Logan gives us a tour of his campus. Benson enjoys some fine reception food ;)

Back In St. Louis the following day, we head over to Sydney and Logan's for a lunch party.
Benson has always been so interested in human connection and communication. His eye contact and laugh are intoxicating.

Their home looks so clean and beautiful. The food they have assembled is delicious and perfect!

Neighbors and friends stop by to offer congratulations :)

Grandma Carter pulls out the bubbles :)

And after a delightful afternoon, we pose for one last picture. Great Job you guys! We love you and are so excited for your next chapter!