Buying Our House in Panama City Beach!
Officially, a New Chapter!

Yep we did it – moved to Panama City Beach in Florida!
We arrived a few days before closing on our new house. So we stayed at a rental house on the beach.

I had fun with the Hasselblad capturing these images...

Upon arriving we learned that our bank's nearest branch was 2 hours away in Tallahassee. This mattered because they wouldn't allow us to wire the money over the phone or online, they required our physical presence. So we drove out the next morning.
On our way we stopped to get gas in ?????. Literally nobody was wearing masks in the building or anywhere around. We loved it! We got a kick out of the deer heads on the wall and enjoyed the normal-ness of the place.
We made it to the bank where our banker did the wire transfer then signed us up as Private Clients so we could do wire transfers online and for free. Yay!

On January 27 we headed over to the title company. We catch a quick selfie to commemorate the moment. We hop out of the car and sign those documents. Quickest and easiest closing ever :)

Our agent Rodney Waits walked through the house with us and officially handed over the keys. Happy moment!

We decide to eat at Waffle House. We are so happy to be moving into our first home that we found and purchased together.

We start the process of moving in. Since our moving truck won't arrive for another 5 days we get the house stocked with essentials. The first time we pull our car into the garage. It's starting to feel real!

The day after we closed we were still staying at the rental house because our belongs were not set to arrive for 5 more days. After one sleep we collectively agreed that although the rental was right on the beach..... we just wanted to sleep in our own house! So we hauled over some single bunk bed mattresses, borrowed a few pans, towels, and a few other household essentials from the rental.... and played "house" in our empty house for a few days :) It was so fun! Waking up to the sun coming through the coastal sanctuary trees is amazing!
Mitzi is happy happy happy being in our new home. She feels much peace. Her body stops hurting. She hasn't felt this good and normal since the accident four and a half years ago.

I take some Hassy pictures as the sun sets. It's a beautiful home, we love it.

We enjoy the nice workout room followed by enjoying the lake views as the sun sets afterward.

We start receiving a bunch of items we ordered online. It's a fun process to outfit the house with all the things we want. I bake our first load of sourdough bread. And enjoy the view out our office window, and family room windows.

We found a fun live music theater named Todd Herendeen Theatre and go watch a fun show. We like it so much we come back for a Valentine's dinner Elvis show. Todd calls Mitzi up and gives her a red sash. She is embarrassed and I'm loving it!

We enjoy the Wild Heron development. It's beautiful here.

Lizzie and Josh get engaged!

Mitzi's creative energy has returned to full capacity! She made Navy a teddy bear along with multiple darling matching outfits. One Navy's size and one for the bear.

We have been joyously taking on home improvement projects. We have painted a guest bedroom, bathroom, and closet. Put together and new day bed and decorated the room.
We dismantled, patched, and painted our closet to get it ready for a professional make over!
We've changed up a corner in our living room........ before.....

Damon's added multiple new light fixtures, installed dimmer switches, a soft water system, instant hot water circulators, and has added beautiful art pieces to our walls :)
Mitzi's taking to baking and sewing up some of our Malanah fabric into pillows!
This is a special place. When you wake up and the light is streaming in through the trees, you can't help but feel alive and hopeful again.

Officially, a new chapter :)