November 28, 2021

Bonus Day with Emily & Nechemia

We spend a day with Emily and Nechemia. Good food and good company.

Bonus Day with Emily & Nechemia

Baylie asked us if we could stay in Phoenix a couple days longer. She wanted to spend Taylor's birthday with him, and we could watch Winnie.

We readily agreed. It's nice to have a flexible life where we can easily change our plans.

This new plan gave us a bonus day with Emily and Nechemia!

My sister Alissa gave us a Christmas present of a gift card to The Farm at South Mountain. This was the perfect opportunity to go enjoy it.

A man and his dog. Girlfriend optional.

Friendly touchy couple.

We wait for the food.

Still waiting...

Still waiting...

Still waiting...

And ... the food arrives!

Thanks Alissa for the gift card that provided this wonderful meal!

After the meal Emily and Nechemia invited us to go Christmas Tree shopping. We were excited to join with them.

We walked around and looked at all the possibilities.

Mitzi was very helpful pointing out things to consider and how it all works. This was a first for Emily and Nechemia so the guidance was super helpful.

Emily is testing the strength of that wonderful fir tree aroma.

Maybe they are going to go with this Noble Fir?

Yep, it's the Noble Fir!

They were so worried how it would get transported home. The guys that work there put the tree in a net and tied it to the top of their Corolla. Emily and Nechemia are so excited.

As Nechemia placed these red caps on his fingertips he said, "I don't choose the glamour. The glamour chooses me!"

We had a great laugh!

Homeward bound.

Self portrait time as I wait for Nechemia to bring in the tree.

Here it comes! Mitzi is clapping and encouraging. Fun times all around.

Time to do a little more decorating with nativity sets. They have decorated their home in a lovely way.

Time to sit and reflect on a fun day and work well done.

We are so grateful we got to spend this extra day with Emily and Nechemia! They are a lovely couple and building a wonderful life together. We are very happy for their happiness.