7 Year Anniversary
Sculling on the lake, Wild Heron Halloween, and our 7 Year Anniversary.

Before I get to our anniversary there are a couple things to record.
Mitzi got the sculling boat out a couple days ago. She's very strong on the water and has the rowing movement into a rhythm. It was really fun to see her power across the water.

Last night was the Wild Heron Halloween Party. We dressed as cowboys and got there when it started. Left after an hour because we wanted to watch the NY Yankees and LA Dodgers World Series game #2.

Now today (Oct 27) we celebrated our 7 year anniversary. It was fun to reminisce on all the changes we've experienced in our 7 years together.

Mitzi went sculling on the lake today. While she was out I saw the huge bird had captured a fish and flew it up high in a pine tree to eat it. I've seen pictures and videos of birds doing this, but it was fascinating to see it in real life.

We went to Gallion's restaurant at Rosemary Beach. It's been there a while but this was our first time. Great dining experience!
Mitzi bought this cute dress a few days ago at Carousel Market at Laguna Beach. Super cute!
I wore my orange Italian loafers :)

We had fried deviled eggs (a first and my they are good). Shrimp, Maine Lobster, and Ahi Tuna.

The Christmas lights are up at Rosemary Beach, so fun!

The waitress congratulated us on our anniversary. She asked how long we'd been married – 7 years we told her, and that we were both widowed.
She said that was so sweet and she was very happy for us that we found each other.
We feel the same. Super grateful we got a chance to reconstruct our lives together after such a loss. We feel grateful every day that we found each other and get to enjoy life together and not be alone.